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The comparison platform is a directory for comparing all service providers in Switzerland. Up-to-date contact addresses, pictures, descriptions, opening hours and ratings help providers to present themselves in the best possible light online, to improve their ranking in the search results of major search engines on the internet and to meet customers where they are looking for them without wasting their efforts: online.
A listing with name, logo and address of a company on the comparison platform is free of charge. The purchase of paid ranking points takes place independently and with flexibility in terms of time via a company's user account - without any contractual commitment or minimum term.
Those who are interested in a particularly good placement on the list of search results can control this by purchasing ranking points. Ranking points determine where a company appears in the list of results and can be easily controlled via the user account of each listed company. The purchase of paid ranking points can be activated and deactivated at any time via the user account of a company. Billing is accurate to the minute.
Swiss customers looking for providers of a particular service can use the comparison platform to find suitable providers in their area. Fully updated contact addresses make it easy to get in touch. Transparent additional information such as pictures, descriptions and reviews by other customers provide an impression of the service provider and facilitate the purchase decision. Not convinced yet? We would be happy to explain the advantages of a listing on the comparison platform to you by telephone or e-mail on request. Contact us now or register now.
For reasons of readability, gender-specific formulations are not used on the homepage. Insofar as personal terms are only used in the masculine form, they refer to men and women in the same way.