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Fahrschule Baschi KlG (Fällanden)

0 Reviews

About Us

Our driving instructors are from the Glatttal ZH and Hinterthurgau. Basic motorcycle courses take place every week Fri/Sat/Mon or Sat/Sun/Sat. We also offer traffic courses every 3-4 weeks.

Driving lessons

Vehicle category
BMW M135i (Automat), Mercedes A 250 (Automat), Mercedes A 200 (Handschaltung)


Driv­ing coun­sel­ing
First Aid course
Mo­tor­cycle course
Traffic the­ory

Ve­hi­cle cate­go­ry

Car manual (B)
Mo­tor­bike (-A)
Mo­tor­bike (A)
Mo­tor­bike (A1)


price list

  • Vehicle category, Duration 50 minutes

    • Car manual (B)
      10er Abo + VKU + Grundpauschale geschenkt = 950.-
    • Motorbike (A)
      60 / 90.-
    • Motorbike (-A)
      60 / 90.-
    • Motorbike (A1)
      60 / 90.-
    • Driving counseling
      Wiedereinsteiger / Senioren / Auffrischung
  • Courses, Duration 50 minutes

    • First Aid course
      Fr/Sa 150.-
    • Traffic theory
      150 - 170.-
    • Motorcycle course
      pro Teil 180.- bzw. Schülerrabatt zu 160.-



Location and contact

Fahrschule Baschi KlG

  • office address office address

    8117 Fällanden

  • Auto und Motorrad Fahrschule | Verkehrskunde | Nothelferkurse


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Fahrschule Baschi KlG