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fahrschule e.achermann (Oberkirch LU)

About Us

SUMMER ACTION 2023! (see homepage) Well prepared and with a safe feeling for the driving test! Driving lessons also with vending machine. You can find more important information on my homepage. Do you have any questions? I am gladly there for you!

Driving instructor since: 2010

Driving lessons

Vehicle category
VW Polo 1000ccm Turbo, 110 PS / Automat Mercedes Benz A-Klasse

Designated person



New cus­tom­ers wel­come
Train/Bus sta­tion nearby


Driv­ing coun­sel­ing
Driv­ing les­son
Road Safety
Traffic the­ory

Ve­hi­cle cate­go­ry

Car auto­matic (B)
Car manual (B)
Car trailer (BE)
Dis­abled self-steer­ing
Pro­fes­sional pas­sen­ger trans­port (BPT)


Prices from CHF 66.-
Price to (CHF) 85.-

price list

  • Driving lessons/lesson duration 50 minutes

      CHF/h 66.-
    • Auto Automat (B) - in a 5-pack
      CHF/h 82.-
    • Auto gearshift (B) - in a 5-pack
      CHF/h 82.-
    • Driving safety / driving advice
      CHF/h 85.-
    • Car with trailer (BE)
      CHF/h 120.-
  • Theory

    • Theory lesson
      CHF/h 70.-
    • Traffic instruction incl. learning materials
      CHF 150.-



Location and contact

fahrschule e.achermann

  • office address office address

    6208 Oberkirch LU

  • Erwin Achermann

We want to improve!
Send a private message to fahrschule e.achermann with suggestions for changes, notification of incorrect information, or other responses to help the company improve.
fahrschule e.achermann image

fahrschule e.achermann

Flexible opening hours
Contact fahrschule e.achermann for details of availability.

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