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Fahrschule Marco Steiner - bis 94% Erfolgsquote (Frauenfeld)

0 Reviews

About Us

With fun and joy to your driver's license. With pleasure I accompany you with a professional and efficient driving training to our common goal. We are a TEAM!

Driving lessons

Vehicle category
Tesla Model 3

Designated person



Driv­ing coun­sel­ing
Traffic the­ory

Ve­hi­cle cate­go­ry

Car auto­matic (B)
Car manual (B)


price list

  • Vehicle category, Duration 50 minutes

    • Car manual (B)
      CHF 96.-
    • Car automatic (B)
      CHF 96.-
    • Driving counseling
      CHF 96.-
  • Courses

    • Traffic theory
      CHF 260.-
    • Theory
      CHF 70.-



Location and contact

Show directions

Pickup location: Schwalbenweg 74

Fahrschule Marco Steiner - bis 94% Erfolgsquote

  • office address office address

    Schwalbenweg 74 8500 Frauenfeld

  • Marco Steiner


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Fahrschule Marco Steiner - bis 94% Erfolgsquote