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Fahrschule red-L | Nothelferkurs | Theorie | VKU | Auto (Emmenbrücke)

0 Reviews

About Us

With me, you not only get a free test drive, but also comprehensive training that accompanies you all the way to your test! I offer you high-quality driving lessons, including an emergency assistance course, free theory lessons and traffic studies.

My simple, innovative training is personal and guarantees you fun while learning - because I believe that getting your driver's license should also be fun.

My motto: The simpler the training, the more fun it is to learn...!

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Driving lessons

Vehicle category
Kat.B: Toyota Corolla Vollhybrid

Designated person



Free park­ing spaces
New cus­tom­ers wel­come
Train/Bus sta­tion nearby


Driv­ing coun­sel­ing
Driv­ing les­son
First Aid course
Road Safety
Sample les­son
Traffic the­ory

Ve­hi­cle cate­go­ry

Car auto­matic (B)
Car manual (B)
Pro­fes­sional pas­sen­ger trans­port (BPT)


Prices from CHF 1.-
Price to (CHF) 220.-

price list

    • Free test drive 45 minutes
      CHF 1.-
    • Driving lesson 100 minutes
      CHF 180.-
    • Driving lesson 45 minutes
      CHF 85.-
    • Recognized emergency assistance course for obtaining a driver's license incl. certificate, course material and meals
      CHF 99.-
    • Free car theory tutoring
      CHF 1.-
    • Traffic instruction VKU incl. registration with the STVA, course material and catering
      CHF 220.-

Staff Profile

Reto Duss
Reto Duss
Driving instructor with federal certificate



Location and contact

Show directions

Fahrschule red-L | Nothelferkurs | Theorie | VKU | Auto

  • office address office address

    Centralstrasse 5 6020 Emmenbrücke

  • Reto Duss


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Fahrschule red-L | Nothelferkurs | Theorie | VKU | Auto

Flexible opening hours
Contact Fahrschule red-L | Nothelferkurs | Theorie | VKU | Auto for details of availability.