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MotoZofige Fr. 450.- (Zofingen)

0 Reviews

About Us

Meeting point for the basic motorcycle course at the theory center directly behind the Zofingen train station. Meeting point for motorcycle driving lessons either at the theory center or at the respective Stva/Mfk. Pillion riding is also actively practiced with the students.

Motorcycle driving instructor since 2004

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Driving lessons

Vehicle category
Motorrad A1, A35 und A 60 Minuten Fr. 110.-

Designated person



Free park­ing spaces
Train/Bus sta­tion nearby


Driv­ing coun­sel­ing
Driv­ing les­son
First Aid course
Mo­tor­cycle course
Traffic the­ory

Ve­hi­cle cate­go­ry

Mo­tor­bike (-A)
Mo­tor­bike (A)
Mo­tor­bike (A1)


price list

  • Courses

    • Motorcycle basic course 12 hrs
      CHF 450.-
    • VKU 8 hrs
      CHF 150.-
  • Motorcycle driving lessons

    • Driving lessons A1 A35 and A 60 minutes
      CHF/h 110.-

Staff Profile

Gilgen Andy
Gilgen Andy
State-certified driving instructor



Location and contact

Show directions

Pickup location: Obere Brühlstrasse 4, 4800 Zofingen

MotoZofige Fr. 450.-

  • office address office address

    Obere Brühlstrasse 4 4800 Zofingen

  • Andy Gilgen

  • Phone Phone
    0793... Show number 079 333 34 61
    0792... Show mobile number 079 280 88 81
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site


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MotoZofige Fr. 450.-

Flexible opening hours
Contact MotoZofige Fr. 450.- for details of availability.