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About Us

Ready for your first driving lesson? We'll support you with a positive learning environment and a well-equipped car. You set the pace, and if you want to reach your goal quickly, you are welcome to take several driving lessons per week.

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Driving lessons

Vehicle category
BMW M135 X-Drive (Automat) / VW Golf GTI Clubsport
Car insurance
one-off CHF 120.-

Designated person



Driv­ing coun­sel­ing
Driv­ing les­son
Driv­ing les­son incl. in­sur­ance
First Aid course
Mo­tor­cycle course
Road Safety
Traffic the­ory

Ve­hi­cle cate­go­ry

Car auto­matic (B)
Car manual (B)
Car trailer (BE)
Chauf­feur Li­cence Or­din­ance (CZV)
Coach (D)
Coach (D1)
Mo­tor­bike (-A)
Mo­tor­bike (A)
Mo­tor­bike (A1)
Pro­fes­sional pas­sen­ger trans­port (BPT)
Truck (C)
Truck (CE)


price list

    • Emergency helper course with ID card
      CHF/h 79.-
    • VKU road safety lessons
      CHF/h 179.-
    • CZV further training
      CHF/h 280.-
    • Driving lesson
      CHF/h 89.-
    • 10 driving lesson subscription
      CHF/h 850.-

Staff Profile

Kllaus Nue
Kllaus Nue
Managing Director & Owner



Location and contact

Show directions

Pickup location: Ringstrasse 16

Nue Drive Fahrschule

  • office address office address

    Ringstrasse 16 9200 Gossau SG


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Nue Drive Fahrschule image

Nue Drive Fahrschule

Mon - Fr
07:00 - 22:00 opening hours
07:00 - 20:00 opening hours

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