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Fahrschule Corso (Endingen)

0 Reviews

About Us

I completed my training as a federal driving instructor in 2013. As a driving instructor, I work in a goal-oriented manner with the number of driving lessons that are actually needed. My driving lessons are structured efficiently and are rich in learning. With patience and experience, I prepare my learner drivers for their driving test in a stress-free, environmentally friendly and responsible manner.

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Driving lessons

Vehicle category
Audi A3
Car insurance
one-off CHF 120.-

Designated person



Driv­ing coun­sel­ing
First Aid course
Traffic the­ory

Ve­hi­cle cate­go­ry

Car auto­matic (B)


Prices from CHF 70.-
Price to (CHF) 85.-



Location and contact

Fahrschule Corso

  • office address office address

    5304 Endingen

  • Roger Corso


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Fahrschule Corso

Flexible opening hours
Contact Fahrschule Corso for details of availability.