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Results of the driving instructor survey "WAB courses for new drivers" from 30.11.2012

The Swiss driving instructor comparison surveyed 247 driving instructors on the subject of "WAB courses". The online survey ran from 29 to 30 November 2012.

In addition to completing the questionnaire, 126 driving instructors also submitted comments on the topic: Comments on the "WAB courses" survey

At the same time, the Swiss driving instructor comparison also surveyed 1,710 learner drivers and new drivers on the subject of "WAB courses". You can find the results here: New driver survey

The survey results in detail

  1. How old are you?

Age of driving instructor

  1. As an instructor/organiser, do you run WAB courses yourself or have you already done so?

Carry out WAB courses yourself

  1. Are the topics of the WAB course important?

The question refers to the two course days and the topics covered on these days.

Topics in WAB important

  1. What are the benefits of WAB courses? (0=no benefit; 6=very high benefit)

All driving instructors (247 people)

Average benefit: 4.4

Benefits of WAB courses

Only driving instructors who organise WAB courses themselves (114 people)

Average benefit: 4.7

Use of WAB courses by driving instructors

  1. How important do you find the contents of a driver training course from the list below?
  • Analyse accident risks

All driving instructors (247 people)

Importance of accident risk content

Only driving instructors who organise WAB courses themselves (114 people)

Importance of accident risk content

  • Braking distance theory and distance keeping

All driving instructors (247 people)

Importance of braking distance content

Only driving instructors who organise WAB courses themselves (114 people)

Importance of braking distance content

  • Feedback on driving style

All driving instructors (247 people)

Importance of driving style feedback content

Only driving instructors who organise WAB courses themselves (114 people)

Importance of the content Feedback driving style

  • Skidding course in wet and slippery conditions

All driving instructors (247 people)

Importance of skidding course content

Only driving instructors who organise WAB courses themselves (114 people)

Importance of the contents of skidding courses

  • Emergency braking

All driving instructors (247 persons)

Importance of full braking content

Only driving instructors who organise WAB courses themselves (114 people)

Importance of the content of emergency braking

  • Alcohol and drugs while driving

All driving instructors (247 people)

Importance of alcohol content

Only driving instructors who organise WAB courses themselves (114 people)

Importance of alcohol content

  • Environmentally friendly (fuel-efficient) driving

All driving instructors (247 people)

Importance of environmentally friendly content

Only driving instructors who organise WAB courses themselves (114 people)

Wichtigkeit der Inhalte Umweltschonend

  1. What do you think of the new study by the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention?

All driving instructors (247 people)

Study by the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention

A = I don't trust this study, I am convinced of the benefits of WAB courses.

B = We must take this result seriously and change something.

Only driving instructors who organise WAB courses themselves (114 people)

Study by the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention

A = I don't trust this study, I am convinced of the benefits of WAB courses.

B = We must take this result seriously and change something.

  1. Should the deadline for completing the WAB courses be shortened?

All driving instructors (247 people)

WAB deadline

Only driving instructors who organise WAB courses themselves (114 people)

WAB deadline

  1. Should the content of the WAB courses be changed?

All driving instructors (247 people)

Content WAB

*1 = Yes, the curriculum needs to be revised.

*2 = Yes, more course elements are needed, two days are not enough. The WAB courses must consist of at least three course days.

Only driving instructors who organise WAB courses themselves (114 people)

WAB content

*1 = Yes, the curriculum needs to be revised.

*2 = Yes, more course elements are needed, two days are not enough. The WAB courses must consist of at least three course days.

  1. Should the WAB courses be abolished?

All driving instructors (247 people)

Abolish WAB

*1 = No, but shorten it to one day and integrate it into the driver training programme

*2 = No, but shorten to one day

*3 = No, but integrate into driver training

Only driving instructors who organise WAB courses themselves (114 people)

Abolish WAB

*1 = No, but shorten to one day and integrate into the driver training programme

*2 = No, but shorten to one day

*3 = No, but integrate into driver training

  1. What do you think about the price of the WAB courses (around CHF 700 for both course days)?

All driving instructors (247 people)

Price WAB

Only driving instructors who organise WAB courses themselves (114 people)

Price WAB

  1. does the image of driving instructors suffer because of WAB courses?

All driving instructors (247 people)

Image of driving instructors

Only driving instructors who organise WAB courses themselves (114 people)

Image driving instructors

  1. Are the framework conditions set by the authorities too strict?

Multiple selection possible

All driving instructors (247 people)

13%: Yes, the demands on the course infrastructure are too high. It is expensive to fulfil them.

33%: Yes, the course content is too narrowly defined. There should be more room for manoeuvre for course instructors.

53: No, the framework conditions are ok

Only driving instructors who organise WAB courses themselves (114 people)

10%: Yes, the requirements for the course infrastructure are too high. It is expensive to fulfil them.

48%: Yes, the course content is too narrowly defined. There should be more room for manoeuvre for course instructors.

46%: No, the framework conditions are ok

13: Do the authorities levy fees on organisers of WAB courses? How do you rate these?

All driving instructors (247 people)

Authorities levy charges

Only driving instructors who organise WAB courses themselves (114 people)

Authorities levies

  1. Do you think the three-year probationary licence is right?

All driving instructors (247 people)

Driving licence on probation

© 2012 Swiss driving instructor comparison by Websheep GmbH

Survey on WAB courses for driving instructors The "new driver training course" is currently being hotly debated. Politicians find the compulsory advanced training courses unnecessary, while a study by the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention describes them as ineffective*. The Federal Roads Office wants to retain the courses. (More on the current debate on 20 Minuten Online)

The Swiss driving instructor comparison wants to give driving instructors the floor. Your opinion counts in the political debate. Please take part in the survey by 2 p.m. tomorrow, Friday 30 November at the latest (time required: approx. 3 minutes). You will remain completely anonymous. The results of the survey will be published by Schweizer Fahrlehrervergleich and made available to the media. In doing so, you will help to shape public debate and opinion. Thank you very much! (Incidentally, the Swiss Driving Instructor Comparison is also conducting a survey of learner drivers, the results of which we will also be happy to make available to you).

  • The survey data confirms the positive effects of the threat of sanctions on driving behaviour. However, the safety effects of further training courses could not be proven to the extent hoped for.