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Results of the survey "WAB courses for new drivers" from 30 November 2012

The Swiss driving instructor comparison surveyed 1,710 learner drivers and new drivers on the subject of "WAB courses". The online survey ran from 29 to 30 November 2012.

In addition to completing the questionnaire, 597 participants also submitted comments on the topic: Comments on the "WAB courses" survey

At the same time, the Swiss driving instructor comparison also surveyed 247 driving instructors on the subject of "WAB courses". You can find the results here: Driving Instructor Survey.

Press release dated 2 December 2012: Press Release.

Summary of the survey results

90% of learner/new drivers surveyed are not satisfied with the second training phase in its current form. 53% call for changes to the WAB courses, 37% for their discontinuation. The changes demanded are:

  • Reduction in course costs

  • Shortening the duration of the courses

  • Integration of the courses into driver training

A large proportion of learner/new drivers find some of the content of the WAB courses very important, especially when it comes to vehicle control. The usefulness of the "feedback on driving style" and "environmentally friendly driving" content is rated as less important.

Learner/new drivers give the WAB courses low marks: The average benefit is 2.1 on a scale of 0 to 6. If only the responses from participants who have already attended at least one WAB course day are taken into account, the average benefit is 2.7. It is striking that the benefit of the second course day is rated as much lower than the benefit of the first course day.

A clear majority of learner drivers think that the provisional driving licence is the right thing to do. Tough measures to increase road safety are also accepted by many young drivers.

The survey results in detail

  1. How old are you?

Alter der Beteiligten

  1. What is your highest degree?

Höchste Ausbildung

  1. Do you already have a category A / B driving licence or what training are you doing?

Umfrage Kategorien A oder B

IA = "in Ausbildung", BA = "bald Ausbildung in"

  1. Are you in the three-year probationary period?

Dreijährige Probezeit

*1 = No, I don't have a driving licence yet

*2 = No, I have not yet passed the probationary period

*3 = I have passed the probationary period in my category(ies)

  1. Have you ever attended a WAB course?

WAB Besucht

  1. How many months after obtaining your driving licence did you attend or intend to attend your first WAB course?

WAB Zeit bis zum Besuch

  1. Are the topics of the WAB course important?

The question refers to the two course days and the topics covered on these days.

Wichtigkeit der Themen im WAB

  1. What benefits do WAB courses have for you? (0=no benefit; 6=very high benefit)

All survey participants (1,710 people)

Average benefit: 2.1

Persönlicher Nutzen des WAB Kurses

Only survey participants who have already attended a WAB course (631 people)

Average benefit: 2.7

Persönlicher Nutzen des WAB nur Teilnehmer welche schon besucht haben

  1. How important do you find the contents of a driver training course from the list below?
  • Analyse accident risks

All survey participants (1,710 people)

Wichtigkeit Unfallrisiken Alle Teilnehmer

Only survey participants who have already attended a WAB course (631 people)

Wichtigkeit Unfallrisiken WAB Kurs Besucher

  • Braking distance theory and distance keeping

All survey participants (1,710 people)

Wichtigkeit Bremsweg Alle Teilnehmer

Only survey participants who have already attended a WAB course (631 people)

Wichtigkeit Bremsweg WAB Kurs Teilnehmer

  • Feedback on driving style

All survey participants (1,710 people)

Wichtigkeit Fahrstil alle Teilnehmer

Only survey participants who have already attended a WAB course (631 people)

Wichtigkeit Fahrstil nur WAB Kurs Besucher

  • Skidding course in wet and slippery conditions

All survey participants (1,710 people)

Importance of skidding course All participants

Only survey participants who have already attended a WAB course (631 people)

Importance of skidding course only WAB visitors

  • Emergency braking

All survey participants (1,710 people)

Importance of emergency braking All participants

Only survey participants who have already attended a WAB course (631 people)

Importance of emergency braking WAB visitors

  • Alcohol and drugs at the wheel

All survey participants (1,710 people)

Importance of alcohol Drugs All participants

Only survey participants who have already attended a WAB course (631 people)

Importance of alcohol Drugs WAB visitors

  • Environmentally friendly (fuel-efficient) driving

All survey participants (1,710 people)

Importance of environmentally friendly driving All participants

Only survey participants who have already attended a WAB course (631 people)

Importance of eco-driving WAB visitors

  1. should WAB courses be abolished?

All survey participants (1,710 people)

Abolition of WAB course All participants

*1 = No, but shorten it to one day and integrate it into driver training

*2 = No, but shorten to one day

*3 = No, but integrate into driver training

*4 = No

Only survey participants who have already attended a WAB course (631 people)

Abolish WAB course WAB visitors

*1 = No, but shorten to one day

*2 = No, but shorten it to one day and integrate it into driver training

*3 = No

*4 = No, but integrate into driver training

  1. what do you think about the price of the WAB courses (around CHF 700 for both course days)?

All survey participants (1,710 people)

Price WAB course All participants

Only survey participants who have already attended a WAB course (631 people)

Price WAB course WAB participants

  1. have you ever had an accident involving a car and/or motorbike?

z. e.g. as the person who caused the accident, as the innocent driver or as a passenger

All survey participants (1,710 people)

Accident All participants

Only survey participants who have already attended a WAB course (631 people)

Accident WAB visitors

  1. do you think the three-year probationary licence is right?

Driving licence on probation correct

© 2012 Swiss driving instructor comparison